Example: https://prnt.sc/1jy3t0w
I want to know how to do something like this, please give me methods and examples
A idea you can do is to make a freeze animation of what u want and then when u hold the tool connect it to the animation, also remember to loop the animation
for example: Also u should probably do.. script local script eventing ill example Server script: in the tool
script.Parent.Equipped:connect(function() local player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent game.ReplicatedStorage.Animation:FireClient(plr) end)
local script
game.ReplicatedStorage.Animation.OnClientEvent:Connect(function() local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Animation = game.ServerStorage.Animation -- assuming to put it here Animation.Looped = true -- probably should do this local TrackAnimation = plr.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation) TrackAnimation:Play() -- Now for the turn off animation script, im not really sure but im sure you can figure it out end)
Closed as Not Constructive by JesseSong
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