Scripting Helpers is a question and answer community forum for ROBLOX Lua programming. Whether the case may be making a script more efficient or having a starting point for an idea, asking a question here is a great start. The best answers are weighted towards the top of the question and voted on by our community.
You can ask questions on scripting concepts or how certain functions, methods, or techniques work. You may also request help for fixing an error in your code, or reach out to others and help them solve issues they may be having. We are a community-based platform available for sharing ideas and helping others.
We advise people to utilize the ROBLOX Wiki or the official Lua 5.1 guide. You may also look through some of the previously answered questions for more insight on a particular topic.
Scripting Helpers is a good resource when issues arise, but we are not here to script your game for you.
Our main policy is to treat others respectfully. You can find all of our rules in our Community Guidelines.
The community! Once obtaining certain amounts of reputation within our community, users will be granted corresponding permissions. These include rating other users or voting for a question to be taken down. However, we do have volunteers who preside as the staff of the website to make sure everything is running smoothly.
evaera (eryn#0001) - Owner and Lead Developer