Important Resources:
Looking back at my older answers on this site makes me cringe. [I was less experienced then]
If you have any enquiries/messages feel free to send me 'em; I am always willing to answer questions.
When life gives you lemon(s), you make lemonades!
Join the group here: "Clothing Store Creators!"!/about
Welcome to "JesseSong's" profile! This is where you'll find the newest subsequent answers/questions I've posted, or get a jumpstart by looking through my obligations and projects regarding scripting.
Cheers! - "JesseSong"
I am a scripter that has been on this site for over 1 year, (As of August 5 - 2020).
I help people with my 1 year+ years of experience. By answering questions, I not only get feedback back, but I also get to understand the key aspects of the questions. These are most commonly, answers that I give that are incorrect or inconsistent.
I am advanced and nearly an expert.
The reason I may not answer your question might be that it's too hard to read or its a request.
I also strongly believe that the Roblox-Developer hub is a great resource for Lua programming than watching tutorials.
The reasoning is that it's quick and simple to understand if you're advanced. YouTube tutorials are great for beginners but not efficient for an advanced scripter.
I am average/experienced with Roblox studio.
I answer questions that are hard mostly, so keep that in mind when telling me to answer questions.
Yours sincerely, JesseSong