Are dictionaries allowed to print numbers and "strings" at the same time. For example let's say we have 2 scripts and we wanted them to print " 1 Hi" and the other one to print 2 "XD". would it work.
I didn't understand your question but here is an example of printing from the dictionary:
local Dictionary = { ["Stri"] = 1; ["Xd"] = "Hello"; } for i,v in pairs(Dictionary) do print(tostring(v)) end --Prints 1 and Hello
Not sure exactly what you mean but this is what you can do with tables/dictionaries:
local table = {1, "Hi"} -- table[1] = 1, table[2] = "Hi" local table = { Example = { "Hi", 2, } } -- table.Example[1] = "Hi", table.Example[2] = 2
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