So I'm trying to make some welded parts move inside of a ViewportFrame, but i realised welds don't work outside of workspace, how would I use CFrames to make them act like they're welded?
Not sure if this is what your asking but i have made a camera system that uses a ViewportFrame. the script simply clones what the camera sees and uses the viewportframe as a screen.
the code is as follows: It also might give you some idea on how to move something without using welds! :)
local function CreateRegion3FromLocAndSize(PartBase,Offset, Size) local SizeOffset = Size/2 local CF = PartBase.CFrame*Offset local Point1 = (CF - SizeOffset).p local Point2 = (CF + SizeOffset).p return, Point2) end local RegionSize =,250,250) local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local Player = script.Parent.Parent local PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui local ScreenGui = (function() local Screen_Name = "Camera View Port" local S = PlayerGui:FindFirstChild(Screen_Name) if(S == nil) then S ="ScreenGui",PlayerGui) S.Name = Screen_Name end return S end)() local Screen ="ViewportFrame", ScreenGui) Screen.Size =, 250, 0, 250) Screen.Position =,0,1,-250) Screen.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) local guiCamera ="Camera", Screen) Screen.CurrentCamera = guiCamera local CameraOffset =,0,0) local ScreenBits = {} local function IsPartInRegion3(Part,Region3Space) local R3Size = Region3Space.Size local X1 = Region3Space.CFrame.X - (R3Size.X/2) local Y1 = Region3Space.CFrame.Y - (R3Size.Y/2) local Z1 = Region3Space.CFrame.Z - (R3Size.Z/2) local X2 = Region3Space.CFrame.X + (R3Size.X/2) local Y2 = Region3Space.CFrame.Y + (R3Size.Y/2) local Z2 = Region3Space.CFrame.Z + (R3Size.Z/2) local LowerCorner =,Y1,Z1) local UpperCorner =,Y2,Z2) return Part.Position.X > LowerCorner.X and Part.Position.X < UpperCorner.X and Part.Position.Y > LowerCorner.Y and Part.Position.Y < UpperCorner.Y and Part.Position.Z > LowerCorner.Z and Part.Position.Z < UpperCorner.Z end local function isInView(Camera,Part) local function toRot(CF) local sx, sy, sz, m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22 = CF:components() local Y = math.atan2(m02, m22)*(180/math.pi)+180 local X = math.asin(-m12)*(180/math.pi)+180 local Z = math.atan2(m10, m11)*(180/math.pi)+180 return,Y,Z) end local DirCF =, Part.Position) local Rot = toRot(DirCF) local ARot = toRot(DirCF*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180),0)) local MyRot = toRot(Camera.CFrame) local Aim = (ARot.Y)-(MyRot.Y) --local b_IsBehindME = math.abs(Aim) > 90 local b_CanISeeIt = math.abs(Aim) > Camera.FieldOfView --print("Can I SEE [",Part,"] = ",b_CanISeeIt) return b_CanISeeIt end local RS = game:GetService("RunService") RS.Heartbeat:connect(function() local Offset =,0,-15) local R3 = CreateRegion3FromLocAndSize(Camera,Offset, RegionSize) for OPart,CPart in pairs(ScreenBits) do local bisInView = isInView(Camera,OPart) local isInR3 = IsPartInRegion3(OPart,R3) if(not isInR3 or OPart:IsDescendantOf(workspace) == false) then ScreenBits[OPart] = nil CPart:Destroy() elseif(not bisInView) then ScreenBits[OPart] = nil CPart:Destroy() end end guiCamera.CFrame = Camera.CFrame*CameraOffset for k,v in pairs(workspace:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList(R3,{},10000)) do local Bit = ScreenBits[v] if(Bit == nil) then local bisInView = isInView(Camera,v) if(bisInView == true) then Bit = v:Clone() Bit.Parent = Screen ScreenBits[v] = Bit v.Changed:Connect(function(thing) local Orig = v local Exists,err = pcall(function() return Orig[thing] end, nil) if(Exists) then local MyCne = Bit MyCne[thing] = Orig[thing] end end) end end if(Bit ~= nil) then Bit.CFrame = v.CFrame end end end)
just copy and paste that into a local script inside the PlayerStarterscripts and run the game to see the effect! :)
Closed as off-topic by JesseSong
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