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My game has a big bag that i can't fix? [closed]

Asked by 3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

I am making a minigames game and every time i die when it select the next minigame it will just say that i won the game but i didn't (in the sword fights level need to be 2 players) if i don't reply i am not home,

Here is the link for my game if you want to try it yourself: --

here is my main script:

if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Baseplate") then game.Workspace.Baseplate:Destroy() end wait(5) local Seconds = game.ReplicatedStorage.Seconds local Minutes = game.ReplicatedStorage.Minutes local TimerValue = game.ReplicatedStorage.TimerText local IsIntermision = false while wait() do function Counter(minutes, seconds) Minutes.Value = minutes Seconds.Value = seconds wait(1) while wait() do if game.ReplicatedStorage.EndMinigame.Value == true then Minutes.Value = 0 Seconds.Value = 0 TimerValue.Value = "00:00" game.ReplicatedStorage.EndMinigame.Value = false break end if Seconds.Value > 0 then Seconds.Value = Seconds.Value -1 elseif Seconds.Value == 0 and Minutes.Value > 0 then Seconds.Value = 59 Minutes.Value = Minutes.Value -1 elseif Seconds.Value == 0 and Minutes.Value == 0 then break end if IsIntermision == true then if Minutes.Value <=9 and Seconds.Value <= 9 then TimerValue.Value = "Intermision 0"..Minutes.Value..":0"..Seconds.Value elseif Minutes.Value <10 then TimerValue.Value = "Intermision 0"..Minutes.Value..":"..Seconds.Value elseif Seconds.Value <10 then TimerValue.Value = "Intermision "..Minutes.Value..":0"..Seconds.Value end elseif IsIntermision == false then if Minutes.Value <=9 and Seconds.Value <= 9 then TimerValue.Value = "0"..Minutes.Value..":0"..Seconds.Value elseif Minutes.Value <10 then TimerValue.Value = "0"..Minutes.Value..":"..Seconds.Value elseif Seconds.Value <10 then TimerValue.Value = Minutes.Value..":0"..Seconds.Value if game.ReplicatedStorage.EndMinigame.Value == true then Minutes.Value = 0 Seconds.Value = 0 TimerValue.Value = "00:00" game.ReplicatedStorage.EndMinigame.Value = false break end end end wait(1) end function TeleportPlayers(Position) for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Position end end end function SelectMinigame() local Maps = game.ServerStorage.Maps local RandomMapIndex = math.random(1,#Maps:GetChildren()) local ClonedMap = Maps:GetChildren()[RandomMapIndex]:Clone() ClonedMap.Name = "Map" ClonedMap.Parent = workspace local Message ="Message") Message.Parent = workspace local Text = "Choosed Minigame: "..Maps:GetChildren()[RandomMapIndex].Name for i = 1,#Text,1 do Message.Text = string.sub(Text,1,i) wait(0.05) end wait(0.1) local Text2 = ClonedMap.Description.Value for i = 1,#Text2,1 do Message.Text = string.sub(Text2,1,i) wait(0.05) end wait(0.1) Message:Destroy() local RandomSpawnIndex = math.random(1,#ClonedMap.Spawns:GetChildren()) local RandomSpawn = ClonedMap.Spawns:GetChildren()[RandomMapIndex] for i,player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren())do if ClonedMap:FindFirstChild("Swords") then local RandomToolIndex = math.random(1,#ClonedMap.Swords:GetChildren()) local RandomTool = ClonedMap.Swords:GetChildren()[RandomToolIndex] local ClonedTool = RandomTool:Clone() ClonedTool.Parent = player.Character ClonedTool.Name = "Tool" end player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = RandomSpawn.CFrame player.Dead.Value = false wait() player.Dead.Value = false end Counter(ClonedMap.Minutes.Value,ClonedMap.Seconds.Value) print("Minigame Ended") local winers = {} for index, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Dead.Value == false then player.leaderstats.Wins.Value = player.leaderstats.Wins.Value+1 player.Points.Value = player.Points.Value+10 table.insert(winers,#winers+1,tostring(player.Name)) end end local M2 ="Message") M2.Parent = workspace local WinersTable = table.unpack(winers,1,#winers) local T3 if #winers > 0 then T3 = "Winers:"..WinersTable else T3 = "No one has survived" end for i = 1,#T3,1 do M2.Text = string.sub(T3,1,i) wait(0.05) end for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Tool") then v.Character.Tool:Destroy() end end wait(0.5) for i = 1,#winers,1 do table.remove(winers,i) end TeleportPlayers(game.Workspace.SpawningRoom.SpawnLocation.CFrame) M2:Destroy() IsIntermision = true end if TimerValue.Value == "00:00" then if IsIntermision == false then IsIntermision = true print("IsNotIntermission") elseif IsIntermision == true then if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Map") then game.Workspace.Map:Destroy() end print("Intermision") wait(1) game.ReplicatedStorage.EndMinigame.Value = false Counter(0,10) IsIntermision = false SelectMinigame() end wait(1) end end
also i let only the flood escape map for testing i removed the other one dionsyran2 66 — 3y
No ones going to answer a question with more than 60 lines WideSteal321 773 — 3y
I know but the script is more than 60 lines dionsyran2 66 — 3y

Closed as Not Constructive by JesseSong

This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.

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