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How to make touch event on parts? [closed]

Asked by 4 years ago

I cant find anything about part touching part. Im talking about that if part touched another part then something happens . Plz write in answers. :-

Closed as Not Constructive by itz_rennox, Torren_Mr, User#29913, zblox164, and JesseSong

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2 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago

To do a touched event, you could write it like this (as an anonymous function).

1--// This script must be inside of your part
3script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function(hit) --// If the script's parent (the part) is touched then it will connect this function and log what hit it (logged through the "hit" parameter).
5-- Put what happens here (i.e. transparency changes, brickcolor changes, etc.
THX! i dont know why i dont knowed about that despite that i knowed about the touched event but THX for realising about that! JasiuJasiuB 13 — 4y
Please accept my response if it helped you/solved your problem. :) ParticularlyPenguin 71 — 4y
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Answered by
Axenori 124
4 years ago

Code you need:

1function OnTouch(hit)
2--your code here

Example of use (my fire script):

01local val = 0
02function OnTouch(hit)
03    local head = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head")
04    local human = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
05    if human ~= nil then
06        local GC = hit.Parent:GetChildren()
07        for i, v in pairs(GC) do
08            if v:IsA("BasePart") then
09                if v:FindFirstChild("FireEmmiter") == nil then
10                local Particle = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("FireEmmiter")
11                local ParticleClone = Particle:Clone()
12                ParticleClone.Parent = v
13                val = val + 1
14                if val == 16 then
15                val = 0
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i dont understand the code but the answer is helpful cause i can learn about that and then i will understand the code :D JasiuJasiuB 13 — 4y