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How do you split players evenly into two teams? [closed]

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

I have been trying to make one myself, but fail to understand how to make it. I have looked online and everywhere, but still can't find one! I was wondering if anyone could get me going in the right direction?

EDIT: I failed to say I would like this to be when an event happens, not when the player joins the game. This means it would have to be included in a script.

Turn on both team auto assign and see if that work :/.......I'm dumb Nguyenlegiahung 1091 — 4y
No it isn't when you join the game, it's when an event happens that I want the players to be evenly split into 2 teams. lukasdim -3 — 4y

Closed as Not Constructive by Shawnyg

This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.

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