Sou muito novo em codigos não sei muito :( meu problema é como fazer um teleporte. Alguem me ajuda???
Hello, this is not a request site but today i will how you make a teleporter script:
script.Parent:Touched:Connect(function(hit) -- function will be fired when it is touched if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- It is a real player ! hit.Parent.Head.CFrame =,0,0) -- teleport player by moving it head to this location end end)
Remember to show the script you have tried next time and use English -- Portugal (By gg translate) Hola, este no es un sitio de solicitud, pero hoy explicaré cómo se hace un script de teletransportador:
script.Parent:Touched:Connect(function(hit) -- la función se activará cuando se toque if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- Es un jugador de verdad! hit.Parent.Head.CFrame =,0,0) -- teletransporta al jugador moviéndolo hacia esta ubicación end end)
Recuerde mostrar el guión que ha probado la próxima vez
y usa inglés Last word: T H I S I S N O T A R E Q U E S T S I T E
Closed as Not Constructive by User#5423
This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.
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