To my knowledge there is only scripts and localscripts. What is a server script?
Im not sure what you mean by normal script but there are 4 types of scripts in Roblox. They all inherit from LuaSourceContainer.
A script will commonly be called a server script as it reflects where the script is running (on the server).
A local script will only run on the players device (computer, tablet, phone ect) and only if they are a child of the following.
Lastly a module script will only run once when you require it in another local script or server script after that the cached result is returned. A module script must return a value and inherits the same security context as the script that required it. Note that the module is shared as a copy of so they are not a replacement for Remote Events / Functions.
I hope this helps. Please comment if you have any other questions about this post.
Server scripts are basically normal scripts the only difference is that its only works on the server pretty self explanatory. While local scripts works on clients. Only