What I mean by this is how could I create a script that uses strings to identify certain players/usernames and teleport them to a game ID of my choice, kind of like the banland script BIG studios put into their "BIG Paintball" Game.
This is quite simple.
All you need to do is create a server script
in ServerScriptService
then input this code:
Player's Username Script
01 | local placeid = 00000000000 -- The Banland Place ID |
02 |
03 | local tps = game:GetService( "TeleportService" ) -- Gets TP Service |
04 |
05 | local banned = { -- Banned Users |
06 | "User1" , |
07 | "User2" , |
08 | "User3" , |
09 | "User4" |
10 | } |
11 |
12 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect( function (player) -- If A Player Joins Runs The Code |
13 | if table.find(banned,player.Name) then -- Checks if Player On List Is Equal To The Player's Username |
14 | tps:Teleport(placeid,player) -- Teleports The User To Banland |
15 | end |
16 | end ) |
Player's User ID
01 | local placeid = 00000000000 -- The Banland Place ID |
02 |
03 | local tps = game:GetService( "TeleportService" ) -- Gets TP Service |
04 |
05 | local banned = { -- Banned User's ID |
06 | 00000000000 , |
07 | 00000000000 , |
08 | 00000000000 , |
09 | 00000000000 |
10 | } |
11 |
12 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect( function (player) -- If A Player Joins Runs The Code |
13 | if table.find(banned,player.UserId) then -- Checks if Player On List Is Equal To The Player's ID |
14 | tps:Teleport(placeid,player) -- Teleports The User To Banland |
15 | end |
16 | end ) |
If you have any questions. just contact me!
I'd like to see your attempt next time.
01 | local TeleportService = game:GetService( "TeleportService" ) |
02 | local Players = game:GetService( "Players" ) |
03 |
04 | local UserIdList = { |
05 | 905646521 , --[[ Your Id ]] |
06 | 74087102 --// Mine |
07 | } |
08 |
09 | local TeleportPlaceId = --// Place Id |
10 |
11 | Players.PlayerAdded:Connect( function (Player) |
12 | if (UserIdList [ Player.UserId ] ) then |
13 | TeleportService:Teleport(TeleportPlaceId, Player) |
14 | end |
15 | end ) |
Closed as Not Constructive by Ziffixture
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