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How can I make a GUI that only certain people can see? [closed]

Asked by 5 years ago

I am not an expert in scripting, so, I want to make a MOD PANEL, and I only want certain people to be able to see and click the button that opens it. How can I do that?

Closed as Not Constructive by hiimgoodpack and killerbrenden

This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.

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3 answers

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Answered by 5 years ago

place a script in the gui and write this in it

1local allowedPerson = "YourNameHere"
2script.Parent.Enabled = false
5if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name == allowedPerson then
6    script.Parent.Enabled = true
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Answered by
Filipalla 504 Moderation Voter
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Why it's better to check with the UserId:

The UserId will always be the same whereas the Name can be changed

The solution:

1local ModGui = PathToModGui
2local Mods = {[InsertUserIdHere] = true, [InsertOtherUserIdHere] = true } -- A list of all mod's UserIds, needs to have = true after it or else we can't check it like this: Mods[Player.UserId]
5    if Mods[Player.UserId] then -- Check if Player's UserId is in the Mods dictionary
6        ModGui:Clone().Parent = Player
7    end

The UserId is the number in the Player's profile URL i.e. for my User




Don't forget to mark my answer as the solution and upvote it if it answered your question :)

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago


Define the variable for the TextButton and use MouseButton1Click() as the function as it is more reliable and I'll break down the script for you. Since for TextButtons, we primarily use MouseButton1Click as the function for clicking TextButtons. After that, we are going to check for the player's user who clicked it, if the user matches the one in our local script, then we will make the frame visible to that player only.

Filipalla's answer will work but this one is much better as I've explained how the scripts will work and the script itself is easier to write.


Now you want to add a local script into the ScreenGui and the local script would be as follows;

1local textButton = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TextButton") -- Defines the variable for the TextButton
3textButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- Function for clicking
4        if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name == "SilentsReplacement" then -- Add the name of the player here!
5            script.Parent.Frame.Visible = true -- Makes the frame visible
6        end

I hope this helps you and please up vote and select this as the answer if it did so!