I've been using NASA's Mars Rover Photo web api with HttpService recently and I've gotten pretty far. I've managed to get images from specific cameras of the Curiousity Rover, but I can't figure out how to slap the image onto a decal.
API link: https://api.nasa.gov/mars-photos/api/v1/rovers/curiosity/photos?sol=1000&camera=fhaz&api_key=DEMO_KEY Photo link my script has managed to grab: https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01000/opgs/edr/fcam/FRB_486265257EDR_F0481570FHAZ00323M_.JPG
So far I've experimented and tried setting the decal texture directly to the link like this:
workspace.Part.Decal.Texture = [photo url]
but to no avail.
I thought I could use HttpService again and set the response from GetAsync as the texture property like so:
httpService = game:GetService("HttpService") workspace.Part.Decal.Texture = httpService:GetAsync([photo url])
and nothing.
Am I doing something wrong? Is it a Roblox Security measure? I get if it's a security thing to not allow images from external sites, but there's gotta be a way I can upload the image to the Roblox library and use it from there if security is the case.
If there is any way I can get this image on Roblox pls tell, I will be forever grateful, I don't really want my work to go to waste. Thank you in advance :)
Well, depending on how dedicated you are, you could find an API to find the color of every pixel, and make a ton of TextLabels and change their color to the color of the pixel and make the text blank and make their size exactly 1 pixel. Your game would probably get moderated for it.
HOWEVER, It has been done.
There was a place that did it, it appears to be not working anymore, but it did work at one point. tl;dr: You'll probably get banned, it's a filter bypass. Don't do it. Read above on how to do it.