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How do I make a server wide kick notification? [closed]

Asked by 5 years ago

Like, if someone is banned I want it to display a message on the side saying like "Player name has been banned by an admin for Reason here" and i don't know how. Can anyone help?

Like for example

I kick someone for swearing.

The server sees a message on the side saying for example

TestMan123 has been banned by an admin for swearing.

and like I keep saying its a notification on the side that everyone can see for like 4 seconds.

You're better of by utilizing MessagingService or Datastores for this specific task. User#31525 30 — 5y
What have you tried to do so far? JakyeRU 637 — 5y
Problem is I dont know big lua, but i know some. i believe that MessagingService only does it in the output/dev console, which isn't what I want. data_recovery -5 — 5y
this is NOT a request site! Luka_Gaming07 534 — 5y
MessagingService isn't what you guys are thinking it is @data_recovery @hexwulf Anyways, use SetCore for this. hiimgoodpack 2009 — 4y

Closed as Too Broad by User#5423

This question has been closed because it is too broad and is generally unanswerable. Please ask a more specific question.

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