i see alot of games doing that but when i search for tutorial i never find, ik how to script a gun but not how to put it in camera and animate it and stuff
Hi, expect loads of people to say this website isn't a request site when you ask questions like this.
Hello! I'm here to inform you of your errors in your post.
The errors
Alright so I know you've probably already gotten this but your post seems as a request, rather than a question. Now although that may not of been your intention... that's what it seems to be. With this, you did not supply your own scripting attempt so we have nothing to work with. We aren't here to make you scripts, we're here to help you fix yours.
How to prevent this...
So, you need to be very explicit with what you're trying to achieve so we can understand your goal. You also need to limit down a script to no longer than 40 lines. If you can, find out where the issue is and put that part in here. After you have a section that has the scripting error area, if you want then... post your entire script underneath it but nothing above 100 lines. I will have links to some of my posts that I've gotten help on to help you understand the best ways to format on this site. Example #1,Example #2, Example #3. I would also view these for their answers as well. You can see how you are suppose to answer such things. It helps in the long run.
Don't fix this post.
It's already being moderated so there's not really a point other than saving you from getting your post removed which won't help by much. Moderation has a span of seven days... [a full week] so if you're lucky, this post won't get removed but it's already been a day and I highly doubt anyone will see this and answer it any time soon so i'd watch your post and go off the examples above to help you explain your issues. This will increase your likelihood of getting help. Anyway, have a good day.
Closed as off-topic by fanofpixels, ForeverBrown, Just2Terrify, CeramicTile, and WideSteal321
This question has been closed by our community as being off-topic from ROBLOX Lua Scripting.
Why was this question closed?