Can anyone help me with Kill for Cash system? [closed]
I killed a NPC, my cash is 850
Next, I buy a sword in shop [Costs 650 Cash]
then I kill the NPC
My currency changed to 1100 (850 +250)
idk why .-.
01 | local Humanoid = script.Parent.Humanoid |
03 | local tag = Humanoid:findFirstChild( "creator" ) |
05 | if tag.Value ~ = nil then |
06 | local Leaderstats = tag.Value:findFirstChild( "leaderstats" ) |
07 | if Leaderstats ~ = nil then |
08 | Leaderstats.Exp.Value = Leaderstats.Exp.Value + 250 |
09 | Leaderstats.Coins.Value = Leaderstats.Coins.Value + 250 |
16 | Humanoid.Died:connect(PwntX_X) |
Closed as Not Constructive by programmerHere, WideSteal321, and royaltoe
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