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I cant work a hair gui, i tried it with the face script but it didnt work help??? [closed]

Asked by
pr3cure -26
5 years ago

So my gui is called wardrobe. When you click it you teleport or appear in a closet and you have this main gui that shows the hair, face, clothes and accesories to buy, I only have the face done nothing else, I mostly need help with the clothing gui and hair, i want to script it so that if you click on the hair it shows up a certain color then you can change the color on the second gui, And the clothes If anyone can help then thanks!

Can we see the code? Creeperthekid32 70 — 5y
we can't help you without any code fanofpixels 718 — 5y
ok pr3cure -26 — 5y

Closed as Too Broad by fanofpixels and BlueTaslem

This question has been closed because it is too broad and is generally unanswerable. Please ask a more specific question.

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