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I'm making a speed simulator and I don't know how to make pets increase the rate speed is gained? [closed]

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Here's my script

local char = script.Parent.Parent
 local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
 local pet = script.Parent
 local maxFloat = 0.5
 local floatInc = 0.025
 local sw = false
 local fl = 0
 local head = char:FindFirstChild("Head")

--I don't know what to write here to increase the rate it's gained--


Your "script" is simply variables. Are you expecting us to give you a way to move the pet? alphawolvess 1784 — 4y
no im trying to get the players speed to increase in rate that it is gained AlphaFlame5 -1 — 4y

Closed as Too Broad by alphawolvess, namespace25, and DeceptiveCaster

This question has been closed because it is too broad and is generally unanswerable. Please ask a more specific question.

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1 answer

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Answered by
Markdrg 15
4 years ago

Hmm maybe

    local char = script.Parent.Parent
     local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
     local pet = script.Parent
     local maxFloat = 0.5
     local floatInc = 0.025
     local sw = false
     local fl = 0
     local head = char:FindFirstChild("Head")
         local Humanoid = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") --I didn't know if char is the Player or the pet so....

Humanoid.Walkspeed = Humanoid.Walkspeeed +5 --Depends On the Rarity of the Pet