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How to disable Accurate Play Solo in Studio? [closed]

Asked by 5 years ago

I try to run my game to test, but every time I do, it freezes and crashes. I've read multiple answers on this site and a lot of them say to disable Accurate Play Solo. They say it's in the "Advanced" section of the Studio settings. However, when I go into the Studio settings and scroll under Advanced, there's literally nothing about APS. Can someone please tell me where the option is? Thanks!

This site is for Scripting Help ONLY. Please ask on the forums, or the Roblox Devleoper forums Void_Frost 571 — 5y
Seems like they removed the option to disable APS. Guess you'll have to deal with the freezing and crashing. :/ User#20279 0 — 5y

Closed as off-topic by User#20279, Void_Frost, and DeceptiveCaster

This question has been closed by our community as being off-topic from ROBLOX Lua Scripting.

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