01 | while true do |
02 | A = game.StarterGui.ScreenGui |
03 | A.Llama.Visible = true |
04 | wait( 3 ) |
05 | A.Llama.Visible = false |
06 | A.Rank.Visible = true |
07 | wait( 3 ) |
08 | A.Rank.Visible = false |
09 | A.AntiSpam.Vislble = true |
10 | wait( 3 ) |
11 | A.AntiSpam.Visible = false |
12 | A.AntiKill.Visible = true |
13 | wait( 3 ) |
14 | A.AntiKill.Visible = false |
15 | A.Approval.Visible = true |
Why wont this work? I've been trying to make it so then the Gui's change at intervals so then the Llama Gui appears first and then after 3 seconds it disappear then the Rank Gui Appears then after 3 seconds ect.. But the thing is, I asked a advanced scripter and they said that it should work fine.. But it isn't. Any help?
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You should put the script inside the Gui and change the paths (you'll need to add script.Parent quite a few times). By doing so, it'll change for all players. Here's the code.
01 | while true do |
02 | A = script.Parent --Put this directly as a child of the Screen GUI! |
03 | A.Llama.Visible = true |
04 | wait( 3 ) |
05 | A.Llama.Visible = false |
06 | A.Rank.Visible = true |
07 | wait( 3 ) |
08 | A.Rank.Visible = false |
09 | A.AntiSpam.Vislble = true |
10 | wait( 3 ) |
11 | A.AntiSpam.Visible = false |
12 | A.AntiKill.Visible = true |
13 | wait( 3 ) |
14 | A.AntiKill.Visible = false |
15 | A.Approval.Visible = true |
Is this in a LocalScript or a Server-side script?
If it is inside of a localscript then you should use
otherwise you will need to find the player's name somehow.
The startergui only changes upon respawn or rejoining the server.
You need to go through the player gui
Player1.PlayerGui.A.Antikill.Visible = true
That should help you get the idea of rewriting it.