I was wondering if anyone could help me make a flag script, I am trying to make a flag on one teams side only, and I want to script it as if a enemy from the other team grabs the flag, they take it back to their base on a certain 'part' where the flag dissapears when you reach your base, and your entire team gains a point for it. Then the flag regenerates back on the other team, and you have to try repeat the process all over again. If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know, thanks!
First you need to figure out what mechanics you what the player to use for picking up the flag.
Touching it? [ Touched:Connect ] Key stroke? [ game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:connect ] Mouse Click? [ Mouse.Button1Down:connect ]
Then how you want the player to hold the flag.
In hand? [ humanoid:EquipTool ] In backpack? [ .Parent = Player.Backpack ]
Then you use the Touched event to make a triggered plate to Destroy() the flag the player is carrying.
Closed as Not Constructive by Fifkee, JakyeRU, zblox164, namespace25, and BlueTaslem
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