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Scripting a pet trading system? [closed]

Asked by
Chikari10 -32
5 years ago

The title really says it all, i wanna make a pet trading system that works with filtering enabled, but i just don't know where to start. If anyone could link me any articles or vids on the subject that would be great.

learn coding is a good way to start tacotown2 119 — 5y
As far as I know, you would proably want to have a Remote Event that fires from the Client to the Server then to the receiving Client, the rest would be up to you on how to customize the gui, etc. SerpentineKing 3885 — 5y

Closed as Not Constructive by EpicMetatableMoment, GoldAngelInDisguise, and DeceptiveCaster

This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.

Why was this question closed?