Im sorry this isnt about lua but the roblox dev site needs you to submit a request shoeing your roblox studio skills. I created a new flat terrain game in roblox studio and for some reason, instead of showing me the world in the middle window it shows me a table. The 2 coloumn names are Name and Value and the rows are PerformanceStats, Workspace, Sound, change History and Lua. Why is this happening? Also the ribbon at the top has almost everything greyed out except for editor, toolbox, part and game settings. And when i click on game settings, it opens an empty window? There is nothing in properties, explorer and terrain editor either. Please help thx
My guess is 1. Either a glitch with studio or 2. You accidentally changed a setting in studio or 3. Roblox just had an update with studio that went wrong or 4. Something random happened that IDK about/other. I can't really help you with this much, because I don't know the problem, but these are just some guesses. Try redownloading studio and maybe the problem will be solved. Roblox might have had a bug in their code that they wrote for studio to operate. Thanks if you read my answer!
Closed as off-topic by User#24403, clc02, and Ziffixture
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