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ActuatorType Servo - How to avoid it from "bouncing" back to its original angle? [closed]

Asked by 6 years ago


I have front wheels of my vehicle connected to a part with a HingeConstraint, which uses ActuatorType Servo. The vehicle drives and turns well by setting TargetAngle on player's input on VehicleSeat.Steer. However, I want to make sure that the connecting part does not rotate/"bounce" back to its original angle which would be 0. E.g. if a player turns it to 30 degree angle, I want it to stay there. At the moment, it rotates back to the original angle with "bounce" effect too.

Can someone enlighten me on how I could achieve this?

Closed as off-topic by User#24403, ihatecars100, WideSteal321, and Ziffixture

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