Hi Scripting Helpers, this is a longer one.
I am trying to make a GUI inventory system very similar to the one in Soybeen's Booga Booga. I have gotten fairly close except that when you open the inventory multiple times and then try to drop or eat something, the amount of items eaten or dropped will equal the number of times you opened the inventory.
So if I open the inventory only once, it works exactly how I want it to, but if I close the inventory and re-open it, when you try and drop something it will drop 2 items instead of one. If I close and reopen it again it will drop 3 items and so on. This is due to "C" key being pressed multiple times.
So basically I just don't know where the logical place to put the debounce is.
I am using the following code.
--LOCAL SCRIPT userInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") player = game.Players.LocalPlayer playerGUI = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") -- The following 2 items are remote events dropRequest = game.ReplicatedStorage.DropRequest imageButtonActivated = game.ReplicatedStorage.InventoryImageButtonActivate --GUI inventoryHolderGui = playerGUI.InventoryScreenGui.InventoryHolderFrame inventoryMainFrame = inventoryHolderGui.InventoryFrame isInventoryOpen = false inventoryContents = player.Inventory:GetChildren() userInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input,gameProcessed) if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.C and isInventoryOpen == false then inventoryHolderGui.Visible = true isInventoryOpen = true local inventoryButtons = inventoryMainFrame:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(inventoryContents) do for o,b in pairs(inventoryButtons) do if b.Name == v.Name then if v.Value > 0 then b.Visible = true b.AmountDisplay.Text = v.Name .. " : " .. tostring(v.Value) b.MouseButton2Down:Connect(function() --Problem may be here? dropRequest:FireServer(v) end) b.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() --Problem may be here? imageButtonActivated:FireServer(v) end) v.Changed:Connect(function(value) if value > 0 then b.Visible = true b.AmountDisplay.Text = v.Name .. " : " .. tostring(v.Value) elseif value <= 0 then value = 0 b.Visible = false end end) elseif v.Value <= 0 then b.MouseButton2Down:Connect(function() --Problem may be here? dropRequest:FireServer(v) end) b.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() --Problem may be here? imageButtonActivated:FireServer(v) end) v.Changed:Connect(function(value) if value > 0 then b.Visible = true b.AmountDisplay.Text = v.Name .. " : " .. tostring(v.Value) elseif value <= 0 then value = 0 b.Visible = false end end) end end end end elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.C and isInventoryOpen == true then inventoryHolderGui.Visible = false isInventoryOpen = false end end)
dropRequest = game.ReplicatedStorage.DropRequest imageButtonActivated = game.ReplicatedStorage.InventoryImageButtonActivate player = game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) return plr end) dropRequest.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player,pickupIntValue,inventoryOpenedTimes) local inventoryContents = player.Inventory:GetChildren() local PickupsContents = game.ServerStorage.Pickups:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(inventoryContents) do if v.Name == pickupIntValue.Name then v.Value = v.Value - 1 end end for i,v in pairs(PickupsContents) do if v.Name == pickupIntValue.Name then local droppedItem = v:Clone() droppedItem.Parent = game.Workspace droppedItem.CFrame = player.Character.Head.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(CFrame.new(-4,0,0)) end end end) imageButtonActivated.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player,value) if value.Name == "Apple" then value.Value = value.Value - 1 elseif value.Name == "Bread" then value.Value = value.Value - 1 end end)
Thanks for the help!
I think the solution would be to use 'debounce', The InputBegan event fires multiple times and not once (which is kind of weird)