How would I go about changing to core UI locally I only want it done for a certain player.
I made a RemoteEvent inside of ReplicatedStorage called "DisableCoreGUI" and in a script inside of ServerScriptService I basically just did:
1 | game.ReplicatedStorage.DisableCoreGUI:FireClient(game.Players:WaitForChild( "Player1" )) -- This fires a remote event so the client can receive it. |
Inside a local script inside of StarterGui I put
1 | game.ReplicatedStorage.DisableCoreGUI.OnClientEvent:Connect( function () -- When the client is fired in ReplicatedStorage |
2 | local startergui = game:GetService( "StarterGui" ) -- Gets StarterGui |
3 |
4 | startergui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All, false ) -- Disables the CoreGui |
5 | end ) |
I am pretty sure you just do
1 | --[[ |
2 | Local Script |
3 | --]] |
4 | game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled() -- Its like Enum.CoreGui.All or .Chat/.Backpack I think thats it |
It works. When you add that LocalScript it is first teleported to the PlayerGui folder. So you can do it like this:
1 | if condition then |
2 | script.Parent:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGui.All, false ) |
3 | end |
Remember to change the condition and to put this code in a local script!
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