Hello. I need a script that gets rid of the workspace in my game. Something that gets the children of a workspace, and then deletes all the children when the game is launched. Any scripts?
To iterate over all children of Workspace, destroying each, we'll use:
global variableInstance:GetChildren
method.for _, child in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if not child:IsA("Terrain") then child:Destroy() end end
Note our use of Instance:IsA
to check if the child is a Terrain
, which cannot be destroyed and throws an error upon an attempt.
Normally, I'd recommend to use the :ClearAllChildren() method, but that won't work properly with Workspace as the Terrain Instance may not be deleted. So instead, simply loop through the children and delete them.
for _, v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if not v:IsA("Terrain") then v:Destroy() end end
Dunno why you'd want to do this but ok..
for _, child in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if not child:IsA("Terrain") then child:Destroy() end end
Closed as Not Constructive by User#24403, BenSBk, green271, and zblox164
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