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Someone Donated To Me Via GUI, But I Didn't Revice Robux? [closed]

Asked by
GentiRob -81
6 years ago

My Friend came and Donated $15 Robux To me, Via GUI, But I didn't Recive them, Why?

local id = 440535779

    game.MarketplaceService:PromptProductPurchase(script.Parent.Parent.Parent, id)

I have Done The Developer Product and Everything, Still I don't recive Robux that he Donated.

have you processed the request on the server? User#5423 17 — 6y
If the game is thru a group, go to Group Admin, then Revenue and check that out. You should have pending funds. InfiniteWhileLoop 19 — 6y
what he said. its 3 days pending before you recieve DinozCreates 1070 — 6y
^Yes, it is possibly for users to get a refund within 3 days so you won't get them until then Vulkarin 581 — 6y
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But only if it has been processed User#5423 17 — 6y
So How Do I Check If Someone Is Trying To Donate To Me? GentiRob -81 — 6y
A developer product needs to be processed by the server as it is not something givent to the player like a game pass User#5423 17 — 6y

Closed as off-topic by Vulkarin, User#24403, Azmidium, Fifkee, and Fragmentation123

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