I have a basic for loop
timer, only I'd like to present it to my String in the format of a digital clock I.e '0:00', how would I create the algorithm to Configure it to represent that way?
01 | for time = 1 , 100 do |
02 | -- % (modulo) gets the remainder of a division |
03 | -- This gives the number of seconds |
04 | seconds = time % 60 |
05 |
06 | -- If we take away the number of seconds, what we get is exactly divisible |
07 | -- by 60 |
08 | remainingTime = time - seconds |
09 | minutes = remainingTime / 60 |
10 |
11 | -- Format as a string |
12 | x = tostring (minutes) .. tostring (seconds) |
13 | end |
This gives us almost what we want, but sometimes the time "1:5" is returned, rather than "1:05", for example.
01 | --[[ |
02 | Function to pad a string with 0s on the left to reach a minimum length |
03 | text: string -> The text to pad on the left with 0s |
04 | targetLength: integer -> The minimum length of the string we'll return |
05 | return -> Input text, left padded with 0s to a minimum of targetLength. |
06 | --]] |
07 | function zfill(text, targetLength) |
08 | -- Work out the number of digits required |
09 | digitsRequired = targetLength - string.len(text) |
10 | padding = string.rep( "0" , digitsRequired) |
11 | return padding .. text |
12 | end |
That should work to achieve the padding we want.
Combining everything we get:
01 | --[[ |
02 | Function to pad a string with 0s on the left to reach a minimum length |
03 | text: string -> The text to pad on the left with 0s |
04 | targetLength: integer -> The minimum length of the string we'll return |
05 | return -> Input text, left padded with 0s to a minimum of targetLength. |
06 | --]] |
07 | function zfill(text, targetLength) |
08 | -- Work out the number of digits required |
09 | digitsRequired = targetLength - string.len(text) |
10 | padding = string.rep( "0" , digitsRequired) |
11 | return padding .. text |
12 | end |
13 |
14 | for time = 1 , 100 do |
15 | -- % (modulo) gets the remainder of a division |
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