I was wondering if someone is willing to help me/teach me lua. There might be a reward at the end.
Please add me on skype: carter.frost1
Please keep in mind that this is not a Request site, but we can answer your Scripting Questions or if your code is not working, so don't worry, you can also learn scripting from different sources, like ScriptGuider's Scripting Tutorial model, its not finished yet but its loaded with Information, or you can reverse engineer, meaning you Experiment and learn from different and large variety's of Scripts. I hope this helped.
There are a variety of resources to help you (online and not) there is the ROBLOX wiki, this website, there are two books which help: Basic ROBLOX Lua Programming (By Brandon LaRouche) ISBN: 9781475026047 and the advanced one with an ISBN 9780985451325
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