This has been bugging me for a little while, I have so many ideas for games, but many of them require an inventory system, not the regular ROBLOX one. A problem is that I can build and GUI design the inventories and games, but have been looking for someone to guide me through or provide me with an example model off of which I could learn how to create one.
Could someone please provide me with required wiki links, a step by step quick explanation or a model on ROBLOX which will get me where I want to be?
My visualisation of the Inventory System:
• Player clicks 'I' to open up a Inventory GUI (I know how to keybind and create the GUI)
• Player can click + drag items in inventory to move items about, or drag outside of inventory to drop the item.
• Storage boxes around the map which can be opened by clicking, and players can again drag + drop items from the box to their inventory.
• Players can drag + drop to their hotbar and then by hitting 1,2,3,4,5... and so on will select the item within the correct hotbar slot.
Well kind of like Minecraft to simplify it, but without all the crafting stuff.
If it matters, I can pay a mentor.
Many thanks,
Closed as off-topic by User#21908, green271, and 1TheNoobestNoob
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