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How would you do "Minecraft" like terrain generation? [closed]

Asked by 6 years ago

I want to make terrain generation like in minecraft with places where there is flat surface and places where there are mountains. However while i was using perlin noise and looked at all roblox terrain generation examples i noticed that you can only make it either have tons of mountains or just a flat surface. I looked up on google and it said that i need to use multiple octaves but i dont know how to do that in roblox. Anyone knows how to do it?

Closed as Not Constructive by titaneagle, xPolarium, green271, zblox164, and User#21908

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1 answer

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Answered by
Nabfam 20
6 years ago

This is a very complex system. To perform this, you would have to have algorythms that change the frequency of the generation system. Here's an example from the wiki:

01local seed = math.random()
02local width = 200
03local length = 200
04local amplitude = 20
05local frequency = 25
07for x = -width/2,width/2 do
08    for z = -length/2,length/2 do
09        local y = (math.noise(seed,x/frequency,z/frequency) * (amplitude/2)) + (amplitude/2)
10        workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(*4,y*2,z*4),,y*4,4),Enum.Material.Grass)
11    end

Now, to make the different frequencies, we can do this:

1amplitude = amplitude + math.random(-1.0,1.0)
2frequency = frequency + math.random(-1.0,1.0)

And that makes:

01local seed = math.random()
02local width = 200
03local length = 200
04local amplitude = 20
05local frequency = 25
07for x = -width/2,width/2 do
08    for z = -length/2,length/2 do
09        local y = (math.noise(seed,x/frequency,z/frequency) * (amplitude/2)) + (amplitude/2)
10        amplitude = amplitude + math.random(-1.0,1.0)
11        frequency = frequency + math.random(-1.0,1.0)
12        workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(*4,y*2,z*4),,y*4,4),Enum.Material.Grass)
13    end

Hope this helps!

It does fine but after 1 or 2 seconds it stops and gives an error : Extents cannot be empty? TOP_SECRE 28 — 6y
It seems to work if you add a wait() after each fillblock, but this means the terrain takes forever to generate turtle2004 167 — 6y
Still the landshape looks weird TOP_SECRE 28 — 6y
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This is a very wide and broad topic. You cannot just ask one question and get an answer that will match all your needs. This answer gives the framework for which to begin, but I suggest you do your own research on this topic. RayCurse 1518 — 6y
I already looked through all roblox pages about it and all non roblox. Even if i found a good one that described everything i couldnt think of how to implent it in roblox.Also i didnt ask for the whole thing, I asked how could i do octaves since i already have a working script that just generates either plains or mountains. TOP_SECRE 28 — 6y