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[Half Solved] New panels are not generating correctly on my inventory system, what's the problem?

Asked by
SCP774 191
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

So I've made a massive inventory system that works similar to Murderer Mystery 2's one. It's data transfer and saving part is completed (And tested), but I'm having trouble with the panel generation.

It shows no error and I already debugged it nothing went wrong but a new panel didn't create.

Here's my script:

local rep = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local remote = rep.Remotes:WaitForChild("GetPlayerItemInfoCTC")
local remote2 = rep.Remotes:WaitForChild("SendPlayerItemInfoEvent")
local remote3 = rep.Remotes:WaitForChild("InventoryControlEvent")
local remote4 = rep.Remotes:WaitForChild("CloseAllGuisCTC")
local frame = script.Parent
local gui = frame.Parent
local panelHolder = frame:FindFirstChild("BlankHolder")
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local itemModule = require(rep.Modules.ItemLibrary)
local contentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")

local quanityList = {}

local itemInfo = {}

local function checkHorizontalNumber(id, line)
    if line == 1 then
        return id
        local preOperator = line - 1
        local operator = 4 * preOperator
        local formula = id - operator
        return formula

print("Invoking for info")
local itemInfo = remote:InvokeServer()

print("Printing inventory info")
for i, v in pairs(itemInfo) do
    print("Creating information for panel")
    local lineNumber = i / 4
    local HorizontalId = checkHorizontalNumber(i, 1)
    local additional = HorizontalId - 1
    local additional2 = lineNumber - 1
    local Coordinate =, 135 * additional, 0, 135 % additional2)
    print("Obtaining information for item")
    local obtainedItemName, obtainedItemInfo = itemModule.GetItem(v)
    if obtainedItemInfo then
        print("Information obtained")
        local itemTier = itemModule.TierValue(v)
        local targetPanel = panelHolder:FindFirstChild("Panel"..i)
        if targetPanel then
            print("Panel already exists")
            targetPanel.ToolName.Text = obtainedItemName
            targetPanel.Image.Image = "rbxassetid://"..obtainedItemInfo.image
            local assetToPreload = {targetPanel.Image}
            print("Creating new panel")
            local newPanel = panelHolder.Panel1:Clone()
            newPanel.Name = "Panel"..i
            newPanel.ToolName.Text = obtainedItemName
            newPanel.Position = Coordinate
            newPanel.Image.Image = "rbxassetid://"..obtainedItemInfo.image
            local assetToPreload = {newPanel.Image}
    print("Ending function")

For the item library module:

local module = {}

local tableOfTier = {
    ["Starter"] = 1; -- Receive when first joined the game
    ["Common"] = 2; -- Can be obtained
    ["Uncommon"] = 3; -- Can be obtained
    ["Rare"] = 4; -- Can be obtained
    ["Epic"] = 5; -- Can be obtained
    ["Legendary"] = 6; -- Easily obtainable from the highest tier boxes
    ["Mythical"] = 7; -- Insanely rare
    ["Unobtainable"] = 8; -- The maximum tier you can get in a box
    ["Exclusive"] = 9; -- Only limited to a group of people
    ["???"] = 10; -- One in a kind

    -- Special Tiers
    ["Event"] = 11; -- Obtained when you beat certain event
    ["Achievement"] = 12; -- Obtained when beating achievements
    ["Special"] = 13; -- Other special items, such as group items etc.

--Standard damage is 25, only really really insanely rare or a few of the selected weapon has bonus damage
local tableOfItem = {
    -- Types of reward: Gold, Item
    ["Wood Club"] = {tier = "Starter";desc = "We might have stolen something from the local barbarians.";kind = "Weapon";dmg = 25;image = 2263279249};
    ["Alpha Sword"] = {tier = "Special";desc = "For people who played during Alpha.";kind = "Weapon";dmg = 25;image = 2263279249};
    ["Universal Sword"] = {tier = "???";desc = "The one and only mighty sword, created by WD32##:?#:##DE before universe even existed. Welded by only SpectrumDev himself. +Infinity damage";kind = "Weapon";dmg = 9001;image = 605035383}

function module.GetItem(itemName)
    print("Starting Module")
    for Objname, values in pairs(tableOfItem) do
        if itemName == Objname then
            return Objname, values

function module.TierValue(tierName)
    for tier, value in pairs(tableOfTier) do
        if tier == tierName then
            return value

return module

Output: 1 Wood Club Creating information for panel Obtaining information for item Starting Module Information obtained Panel already exists 13:32:03.214 - ContentProvider:PreloadAsync() failed for rbxassetid://2263279249 Ending function 2 Alpha Sword Creating information for panel Obtaining information for item Starting Module Information obtained Creating new panel 13:32:03.748 - ContentProvider:PreloadAsync() failed for rbxassetid://2263279249 Ending function

Edit: I also need help with the ContentProvider preload async, I have no clue why it don't work.

There's a chance the assets you're trying to load aren't available for you to use. VisualPlugin 20 — 5y
^ Those decals are my decals. SCP774 191 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

Is it a problem with the panel placement? The panels seem to have been placed improperly. Here's a suggestion on how you can fix it:

print("Creating information for panel")
local horizontal = (i - 1) / 4
local lineNumber = math.floor(horizontal)
local Coordinate =, 135 * horizontal, 0, 135 * lineNumber)

If lineNumber should be an integer value starting from 0, you should consider using the math.floor function.

EDIT: Nevermind, it didn't work. I figured out how to fix it myself, thanks for the help anyway. SCP774 191 — 5y
Btw I still need help with the ContentProvider PreloadAsync. SCP774 191 — 5y
Don't preload the asset's image, preload the Instance itself Vulkarin 581 — 5y
I did, still don't work, the decal's owner is my group, and the game is owned by the group which owns the decals. SCP774 191 — 5y

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