I'm new to Lua scripting and DataStorage. I have the PlayerStatsManager Script as Shown (Stored in game.ServerStorage) (I have also seen similar questions to mine with little/no responses)
-- Setup table that we will return to scripts that require the ModuleScript. local PlayerStatManager = {} -- Create variable for the DataStore. local DataStoreService = game:GetService('DataStoreService') local playerData = DataStoreService:GetDataStore('PlayerData') -- Create variable to configure how often the game autosaves the player data. local AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL = 60 -- Number of times we can retry accessing a DataStore before we give up and create -- an error. local DATASTORE_RETRIES = 3 -- Table to hold all of the player information for the current session. local sessionData = {} -- Function the other scripts in our game can call to change a player's stats. This -- function is stored in the returned table so external scripts can use it. function PlayerStatManager:ChangeStat(player, statName, childStat, changeValue) sessionData[player][statName][childStat] = sessionData[player][statName][childStat] + changeValue end function PlayerStatManager:SetStat(player, statName, childStat, newValue) sessionData[player][statName][childStat] = newValue end function PlayerStatManager:GetData(player,statName,childStat) return (sessionData[player][statName][childStat]) end -- Function to retry the passed in function several times. If the passed in function -- is unable to be run then this function returns false and creates an error. local function dataStoreRetry(dataStoreFunction) local tries = 0 local success = true local data = nil repeat tries = tries + 1 success = pcall(function() data = dataStoreFunction() end) if not success then wait(1) end until tries == DATASTORE_RETRIES or success if not success then error('Could not access DataStore! Warn players that their data might not get saved!') end return success, data end -- Function to retrieve player's data from the DataStore. local function getPlayerData(player) return dataStoreRetry(function() return playerData:GetAsync(player.UserId) end) end -- Function to save player's data to the DataStore. local function savePlayerData(player) if sessionData[player] then return dataStoreRetry(function() return playerData:SetAsync(player.UserId, sessionData[player]) end) end end -- Function to add player to the sessionData table. First check if the player has -- data in the DataStore. If so, we'll use that. If not, we'll add the player to -- the DataStore. local function setupPlayerData(player) local success, data = getPlayerData(player) if not success then -- Could not access DataStore, set session data for player to false. sessionData[player] = false else if not data then print"what lol" -- DataStores are working, but no data for this player sessionData[player] = {} sessionData[player] = {Coins = 10, Escapes = 0, Vip = false} savePlayerData(player) else -- DataStores are working and we got data for this player sessionData[player] = data end end end -- Function to run in the background to periodically save player's data. local function autosave() while wait(AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL) do for player, data in pairs(sessionData) do savePlayerData(player) end end end -- Bind setupPlayerData to PlayerAdded to call it when player joins. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(setupPlayerData) -- Call savePlayerData on PlayerRemoving to save player data when they leave. -- Also delete the player from the sessionData, as the player isn't in-game anymore. game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player) savePlayerData(player) sessionData[player] = nil end) -- Start running autosave function in the background. spawn(autosave) -- Return the PlayerStatManager table to external scripts can access it. return PlayerStatManager
And I'm trying to call that script inside of my leaderboard script, located in game>Workspace>Main>Stats. This is what I have so far, and I'm attempting to reach it by calling Wins.Value = PlayerStatManager:GetData(Player, "Wins", 0)
PlayerStatManager = require(game.ServerStorage.PlayerStatManager) game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) -- Folders local Folder = Instance.new("Folder", Player) Folder.Name = 'leaderstats' local settingFolder = Instance.new("Folder", Player) settingFolder.Name = 'PlayerSettings' -- Player local Playing = Instance.new('BoolValue', Player) Playing.Name = 'Playing' Playing.Value = false local isAFK = Instance.new('BoolValue', Player) isAFK.Name = 'isAFK' isAFK.Value = false -- Leaderboard local Escapes = Instance.new('IntValue', Folder) Wins.Name = 'Wins' Wins.Value = PlayerStatManager:GetData(Player, "Wins", 0) print(Wins.Value) local Coins = Instance.new('IntValue', Folder) Coins.Name = 'Coins' Coins.Value = PlayerStatManager:GetData(Player, "Coins", 10) print(Coins.Value) -- In-game Leaderboard local Kills = Instance.new("IntValue", settingFolder) Kills.Name = "Kills" Kills.Value = 0 end)
I'm new to DataStorage, and keep getting nil value errors. The most recent error reads
18:55:55.154 - ServerStorage.PlayerStatManager:29: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
I've toggled with this script a little and get different errors, but they all result in this sort of error.
I'm just trying to save and store data right now. Can't get passed this error
Closed as Not Constructive by User#19524
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