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Script does not give points? [closed]

Asked by 10 years ago

This question already has an answer here:

Script does not give points?

This script is supposed to give you 1000 points when you get 1000 points

points = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.leaderstats.puntos
player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
pointsgiver = "pointsgiver"
missiondoneA = "missiondone2"

if points.Value > 1000 and script.Parent.PointsGiver.Value == true then
    script.Parent.MissionDone.Value = true
    points.Value = points.Value + 1000
    script.Parent.PointsGiver.Value = false

    player:SaveBoolean(missiondoneA, player.PlayerGui.Objectiver.Frame.ScrollingFrame.Getpoints.MissionDone.Value)
    player:SaveNumber(pointsgiver, player.leaderstats.puntos.Value)


if script.Parent.MissionDone.Value == true then
    script.Parent.PointsGiver.Value = false

everything works correctly, but when i get 1000 points it doesnt give me the points im supposed to get

Sir, please do not post your topic more than one time, and remain with your original topic. Thank you; M39a9am3R 3210 — 10y

Marked as Duplicate by M39a9am3R, TheeDeathCaster, and Articulating

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1 answer

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Answered by
war8989 35
10 years ago

You are checking if their points are greater than 1000, but not equal to 1000, simply change line 6 to:

if points.Value >= 1000 and script.Parent.PointsGiver.Value == true then