I don't really have a script for this, but i don't really know how i can make a Group rank gear.
Hi! I hope this helped you out! The code is below.
--[[ INSTRUCTIONS 1. Create a folder and put it in ReplicatedStorage 2. Name the folder: GroupOnlyGear 3. Put the gears in the folder 4. Put this script in serverscriptservice (make sure this is a SCRIPT not a LOCALSCRIPT) 5. Put your groupid below in the groupid variable! 6. Put the rank name in the variable below called rankneeded! 7. Enjoy! --]] local gearfolder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('GroupOnlyGear') local groupid = 0 local rankneeded = 'Rank Name' local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) if plr:IsInGroup(groupid) and player:GetRankInGroup(groupid) == rankneeded then for i,v in pairs(gearfolder:GetChildren()) do v:Clone().Parent = plr.Backpack v:Clone().Parent = plr.StarterGear end end end)
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