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what is the best way to start [closed]

Asked by
omaraa 0
11 years ago

whats the best way i should start scripting, i do not know anything but i want to start.

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3 answers

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Answered by 11 years ago

There's a lot of debate about the best way to learn Lua. I support LuaLearners, but many do not. There's also the wiki you can learn from, but many also contest that. Some people recommend finding a 'teacher', but I disagree with that method.

In short; Look at the options I gave you, and decide for yourself. This is a controversial subject among scripters, so you'll never get a "right" answer.

;] just the reply i hoped for, thanks. omaraa 0 — 11y
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Answered by
1waffle1 2908 Trusted Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Community Moderator
11 years ago

The best way to learn is through example.

Look at something someone else did and try to understand how, take it apart if it is open-source and try to identify what individual components of a script are intended to do. Look to the wiki if there's something you don't understand, and if the wiki doesn't have an explanation, head to the Scripting Helpers forum or ask a question here.

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Answered by 9 years ago

I recommend looking at the roblox simple scripting tutorials hour of code and then do peafactory's advanced scripting series.