Some player has used my bus. Okay. But he removed ALL credits (including the things in the bus that weren't made by me) and put his name everywhere, then renamed it. How do I protect my models from things like this? I mean a noob won't remove "Made by someone".
EDIT: I mean, is there a way to do it with scripting? This is NOT a request.
This has nothing to do with scripting.
Plus this is just like asking someone to script for you.
You should read this: https://scriptinghelpers.org/blog/posting-good-questions-and-answers-on-scripting-helpers
Making a free model is essentially uploading it to a public domain. You might "own" the model in your inventory, but you don't "own" the model as it is in other people's games once they've taken it.
Not much you can do about this since its a free model. If he leaked it from your game I would contact roblox.
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