I'm new at coding, I know very little on how to code but I have been able to create some simple scripts (walkspeed, map changing, instant respawn) so far. However I'm having trouble finding info on how to make a player respawn automatically every _ seconds. I need to do this because in the midst of map changing the player falls into the void and dies. Thanks!
Use a loop (http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Loops) Here's an example.
while wait(5) do game.Players.Player1:LoadCharacter() end
local player = "mamaluigi1234" -- Change to the name of the player local seconds = 60 -- Change to how many seconds between respawns while true do wait(seconds) if game.Players[player] then game.Players[player]:LoadCharacter() end end
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) while wait(5) do -- changed 5 to whatever time you need player:LoadCharacter() end end)
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