How would i stop an exploiter from using a kill all script in my game and if they tried it would kick them from the game.I honestly don`t even know how to compile it in a script i have ban scripts but i want it were they can make a new account and still cant use the exploit again my game?
so prisman the creator of Assassin went to me and wanted to know if it was possible to kick someone who used a kill all script i just dont even know were to start he has FE and most exploits don`t work he just doesnt know how to do this so he wanted me to figure it out because hes really busy.
It is quite easy making your game harder to exploit. Here's how you do it.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) plr.ChildAdded:connect(function(c) if c:IsA('LocalScript') and c.Parent == plr then print(plr.Name .. ' was caught exploiting, kicking...') plr:Kick('Kick: Do not Exploit') end end) end)
If you are unaware on how this works, here's how it works.
So, when a player executes a script they get kicked. Trust me, I know how level 7s work. I had actually downloaded one so I can prevent exploiters from exploiting.
Keep in mind that exploiters at the moment are unable to execute Server scripts, so this cannot be deleted most of the time.
You would have to use FilteringEnabled so they can’t “exploit”. (Send arbitrary code to the server and other clients) I recommend researching how to use Remote Events and Functions, because some things might break in your game after you enable Filtering that have to be fixed with Remote Events and Functions.