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How to add a map changer to this? [closed]

Asked by 7 years ago
01Wait(1) local System = script.Parent local Playing = System:FindFirstChild('Playing') local Stage = System:FindFirstChild('Stage') local Weapon = Game.Lighting:FindFirstChild('Pistol') local Humans = Game.Teams:FindFirstChild('Humans') local Zombies = Game.Teams:FindFirstChild('Zombies') local Message = nil local Hint = nil local vPlaying = false local Interrupted = false local Minutes = 0 local Seconds = 0
03local DisplayHint =(function(GameText) if not (Hint) then Hint ='Hint') Hint.Text = GameText Hint.Parent = Game.Workspace else Hint.Text = GameText end end)
05local RemoveHint =(function() if (Hint) then Hint:remove() Hint = nil end end)
07local DisplayMessage =(function(GameText) if not (Message) then Message ='Message') Message.Text = GameText Message.Parent = Game.Workspace else Message.Text = GameText end end)
09local RemoveMessage =(function() if (Message) then Message:remove() Message = nil end end)
11local GiveWeapon =(function() local Player = Game.Players:GetPlayers() if (#Player > 0) then for p = 1,#Player do if (Player[p].TeamColor == Humans.TeamColor) then Weapon:Clone().Parent = Player[p].Backpack end end end end)
13local KillPlayers =(function() local Player = Game.Players:GetPlayers() if (#Player > 0) then for p = 1,#Player do if (Player[p].Character) then local Humanoid = Player[p].Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') if (Humanoid.Health > 0) then Player[p].Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 else if (Player[p]:FindFirstChild('Dead')) then Player[p]['Dead'].Value = false Player[p]['Class'].Value = 'Zombie' Player[p].TeamColor = Humans.TeamColor end end end end end end)
15local ResetPlayers =(function() local Player = Game.Players:GetPlayers() if (#Player > 0) then for p = 1,#Player do if (Player[p]:FindFirstChild('Dead')) then Player[p]['Dead'].Value = false Player[p]['Class'].Value = 'Zombie' Player[p].TeamColor = Humans.TeamColor end end end end)
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Closed as Too Broad by Goulstem

This question has been closed because it is too broad and is generally unanswerable. Please ask a more specific question.

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