I've been trying to make it so if a certain player joins the game, they will get a custom face (decal id) and not lose it when they rejoin or die.
Really simple. Just create a script and put it into StarterPlayer > StarterCharacterScripts. What that does is everytime the player joins, it will clone that script into the player and it will stay everytime they respawn or rejoin etc. Now, you want the script to change the player's face.
Here's what you'll have to do:
local Character = script.Parent local Head = Character:WaitForChild('Head') wait(1) Head.face.Texture = 'rbxassetid://'
Make sure the script is in StarterCharacterScripts, or else this will NOT work. Also, after rbxassetid://
you have to input the ID of the face next to it. If it doesn't work, you might have to subtract the ID by 1. So 1234
would become 1233
. The ID should look like this: rbxassetid://1233
Closed as Not Constructive by hiimgoodpack and Goulstem
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