I have checked the wiki and YouTube and still don't know what it means. Please tell me so I can have a better understanding. And what effect does it have on scripts?
Filtering Enabled is a form of anti-exploiting roblox has implemented.
Basically, Filtering Enabled (FE) disables client modification of server values, or in simpler words, the client can't make changes to the game.
What I mean is, let's say your local script, which only runs on player's PC, sets workspace's name to "HACKED".
With Filtering Enabled, only YOU, the player using the Local Script, can see the difference, while others won't.
This is because the server denied the client's modification, meaning nobody else could see the difference.
Filtering Enabled is the most used form of security world-wide for online games, as client sends their sockets to the server, and the server responds to everybody else with it's own packets.
These are basic security notions that roblox has been lacking until Filtering Enabled was finally added.
Of course, scripting will be different. You will have to modify a lot of your LocalScript
s as you will have different ways of handling things.
For this you can use RemoteFunction
s and RemoteEvent
TL;DR: FilteringEnabled disables the ability of somebody modifying server values, making it impossible for somebody to exploit your game.
STILL TOO LONG; DIDN'T READ: Seriously? Ugh. FilteringEnabled makes it so client can't edit server.
Here is a really good article explaining this matter: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Experimental_Mode
You can also take a look at this, for scripting: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Security
Hope this helps you out!
Filtering Enabled in a nutshell is like a way of preventing the player from modifying stuff directly from the server.
So if I were to change the color of a part in the workspace, only I would see it. But if the server were to change the color, then we would all see it.
You need remotes to share data between server/client.
Filtering Enabled is like the difference between eating at home and eating at a restaurant. At home you can get into the kitchen and do what you want. When you're out at a restaurant it's more restricted. It's like this for a player in a Filtering Enabled game.
RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions act as communications between your table and the kitchen in said restaurant (like waiters). They carry information like complaints and orders (and food >:3).
In more realistic terms: There's a copy of your game on every player's computer and the server at wherever roblox has it's servers (basically another computer). FilteringEnabled just puts more limits on what the player's computer can do to make changes to the game on other copies of the game on other machines.
It makes ur game hackproof but if u enable FE then some scripts wont work and some will work
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