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Where do I start to learn to script? [closed]

Asked by 10 years ago

I really am new at scripting and I can't find a way to actually get started. I wanna make good games some day, but all I know is, " game.workspace.Shadowhunter800.Torso:Remove()", and some other basic stuff like transparency D: PLEASE HELP ME

By the way, the wiki wasn't much help either :-/ Shadowhunter800 0 — 10y
Check out Pighead10's Lua tutorial on YouTube it's 2 years old but helped me learn the intermediate concepts. P.S if you skip something on Lua it will haunt you back again so it's best you learn everything step by step. Kozero 120 — 10y

Closed as Too Broad by Articulating

This question has been closed because it is too broad and is generally unanswerable. Please ask a more specific question.

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2 answers

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Answered by
haillin 60
10 years ago

The Roblox wiki is a great place to get started, that's where I started and it helped me alot.

The new LUA programming book by Roberto LerUsalimschy is very helpful too, you can buy it for a great price at the link below.

Thanks, but I was looking for a certain source that would be put in order, those are very good sources. But you have to realize I'm just a 12 y/o boy that wants to learn various things c: Shadowhunter800 0 — 10y
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Answered by
10 years ago

if you look up some intermediete scripts in free models read them and learn the code. thats how i learnt