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How do I make a damage script related to dbz? [closed]

Asked by 7 years ago

Hey! I'm currently on a project of making a dbz game, but right now the entire groundwork is currently work in progress, I'm a starter in scripting and I have no clue what to do in what ifs to make a formula,

I need to create a formula such that if a power level of a person is 100

Every attack damage is + and Def increases Like a hit does 2 damage in general, i want to add 1 more to it, If a beam does 5 damage, i want to add 2 more to it, basically a % to a stronger attack and damage reduction, but I not only just want every 100 power level to add stats, like if u have power level of 10,000. U won't require just 100 each but like 1-3k or like a % of powerlevel based on unit, and I also want it so that every entity , enemy or player has a powerlevel, and also I could customise it, so I would scale how much I want power level of this NPC and how much player powerlevel is required so I would scale and balance the game out, I also want that if u kill a certain enemy, like boss u get more power level, and every attack u spam gives u a certain power level, there are some cool dbz games in roblox and I can't figure their formula, so I just need how to, if u can't do it but it's possible I just need a good explanation and examples of when to type this and why. So I could just get started because it's way too complicated!

I have no idea or clue how to put my imagination in scripting since I don't know possible algorithms and combinations, i want somebody to explain and give a example. The script and concept should be pretty much self explanatory so I could tweak it and scale the game

Thanks! I will give a Big shout out on my server and premium stats ! (If u decide to join if the game is popular somehow)

From what I'm getting you need an algebraic algorithm. I'll try to come up with something and give it to you. AstrealDev 728 — 7y

Closed as Not Constructive by Perci1

This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.

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