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Can anyone help me with a custom inventory system? [closed]

Asked by 8 years ago

I am creating an inventory system it can contain custom tools not roblox tools.

Here is my script currently:

Inventories = {}
InventoryTemplate = {game.ReplicatedStorage.ItemTypes.Sword}

-- setting a player's inventory below
    Inventories[player.Name] = InventoryTemplate

I have no idea what to do now...


using data stores would definitely help for this. scottmike0 40 — 8y
I dont need to save it yet KuroNakamura 5 — 8y
Inventories can be complex and time consuming to make. You're better off looking at a few examples before you dive in and make your own with little experience on how they work. Cuvette 246 — 8y

Closed as Too Broad by Goulstem, koolkid8099, and GoldenPhysics

This question has been closed because it is too broad and is generally unanswerable. Please ask a more specific question.

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1 answer

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Answered by 8 years ago

I bet some of the experienced coders will say it's not that hard, but making a good inventory can be complicated sometimes, besides you shouldn't save the instances directly.
