Hi I am wondering where can i even learn scripts? Is their a specific site for these scripts,or is it just college? Please let me know i struggle horribly with scripting and i desire to make character customization screen and shifting scripts for a example the ability to make a script that allows you to turn to a animal like a werewolf would normally do.
This has been asked too many times before. Search before you ask.
We also have a blog post describing how to learn Lua yourself.
Learn the basics, peaspod and Friaza Hyuga has great examples.
I learned what i can from youtube!
You should check out Alvinblox on youtube he is a really good teacher in rlua!
This is just json could be good to know about sometime!
I personally learned Lua by watching a few ROBLOX tutorials on YouTube, and trying to replicate what he did in ROBLOX. In the tutorials, it was showcasing how to do certain things with scripting methods. They are all good tutorials, but be warned, they do not teach you how Lua works or why it works, it just shows you how to do stuff.
Here is the playlist with all the tutorials he has made so far: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL68PC5p5dk2YiiOVg9hmqoiUwDjxqTsdX
Closed as Not Constructive by shayner32
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